International Payments Marketing

Transact Integrated Payments


Thank you for your interest in producing marketing materials to educate your students about Transact International Payments.

Marketing to international students presents both opportunities and challenges.  Transact has developed a variety of assets to ensure you have the right tools to create awareness.

There are several quick and easy things you can do to ensure your students know about their international payment options:

  • Update your website.  Include messaging on your payment options page, but also on specialized pages covering international student resources.  We’ve also included web banners to make it easy to create links to the content from other related pages.
  • Email your international students.  We’ve provided two versions for you – one for new students to introduce them to international payments, and one for existing students you can send during billing periods.  We’ve even included a link to our international payments video which you can link to from your emails.
  • Enclose handouts in prospective students and welcome packets. We've included turnkey PDFs that can be printed or attached to an email with more details about the solution – including several in-language options!
  • Don’t forget to share this information with the cultural clubs, diversity departments, and international student organizations on campus!                                                               

Please browse the materials to determine what will work best for your campus and simply download the art files. The handout and web banners are ready to go as-is. Email templates and website copy can easily be tweaked to including your single-sign-on instructions and resource landing page URLs.

Sponsor Payment Ad

There will be no office hours on Tuesday, March 4, or Thursday, March 6, as our team will be attending T360°! Please join us for lunch or find us during a break—we look forward to seeing you!

If you still have questions:



    SmartPay - Icons
    Download as .ZIP
    Download as .ZIP
    International Payments Web Banner
    Download as .ZIP
    Easy Breezy Social Media Campaign
    Easy Breezy Social Media Campaign
    Download as .ZIP
    FSPP Video
    Download Video
    FSPP Video
    Hosted on YouTube