Online Payments Marketing Materials

Transact Integrated Payments

Thank you for your interest in creating marketing materials to support online payments at your campus. We have developed a variety of pieces to cover all of your student facing channels! Look through the materials and find what will work best on your campus.

Once you know what marketing materials you’d like, simply download the appropriate template art files (InDesign), and have your on-campus marketing team personalize them with your colors and logo, and any other information needed for your campus. Print as needed. (Floor decals can be printed as is!)

We’ve also included standard messaging and product icons that can be incorporated into your website or other marketing you develop.

There are several quick and easy things you can do to ensure your students know about their payment options:

  • Update your website.  Include messaging on your payment options page, and pages related to paying tuition and fees.  We’ve included turn-key product messaging and icons. You can also include a web banner to make it easy to link to the content from other related pages.
  • Include payment option information or links to the page noted above when you present your tuition bill.  Whether electronically or via a paper mailing, we’ve got options to help your students know the easiest and securest way to pay tuition and fees.
  • Enclose handouts in appropriate mailings and folders.   Financial Aid aware letters, tuition mailings, room and board packages – anywhere you are having a conversation about paying for their education, reinforce what their payment options are.  Check out our customizable buckslip, which work well for all these channels and more!
Sponsor Payments Ad

There will be no office hours on Tuesday, March 4, or Thursday, March 6, as our team will be attending T360°! Please join us for lunch or find us during a break—we look forward to seeing you!

If you still have questions:

Download the files for the following marketing materials below.

SmartPay - Two Sided Buckslip with Payment Plan
Two Sided Buckslip With Payment Plan
Download as .ZIP
SmartPay - International Payments Buckslip
International Payments Buckslip
Download as .ZIP
SmartPay - Floor Decals Bright Blue
Floor decals Bright Blue
Download as .ZIP
SmartPay - Floor Decals Dark Blue
Floor Decals Dark Blue
Download as .ZIP
SmartPay - Social Media
Social Media
Download as .ZIP
SmartPay - Web Banner
Web Banner
Download as .ZIP
SmartPay - Icons
Marketing Messaging
Download as .ZIP
Email Campaigns
Email Campaigns
Download as .ZIP
eBill Buckslip
eBill Buckslip
Download as .ZIP
eRefund Buckslip
eRefund Buckslip
Download as .ZIP