Coppin State University provides students with secure campus access and a fast checkout experience all with one ID card
"Transact Support and ease of use have allowed us to provide Mobile Ordering to our campus. Our tool offers customers a streamlined experience similar to Chick-fil-A, except we don't have a drive-through."
Sheila Chase
Eagle Card Manager, Coppin State University
Convenient and secure mobile ordering experience across their college campus
With Mobile Ordering plus Transact Cloud POS, university staff can manage transactions, pricing, items, and reporting from one platform. CSU students can personalize orders, select from various payment options, and skip the line at three dining locations.
Connected their campus under one student ID solution with their Eagle Card
Students at Coppin State have a single student ID to access all areas of the campus. This means they don't need to carry multiple cards or forms of identification.
No more manual processing to load, remove, and manage meal plans
Coppin State University has saved time and resources by automating processes with Transact Cloud POS. Removing manual data entry has streamlined meal plan management and improved operations.
Coppin State University and Transact Campus
Coppin State University is a public historically black university in Baltimore, Maryland, with over 2,100 students enrolled.
Transact and Coppin State have been partners since 2017. With mobile technology becoming increasingly important in students' decision-making process, Coppin State is addressing this demand by providing innovative solutions through Transact.
Together, we created a campus management solution with a one-card dining, retail, and point-of-sale services system. This system lets students order and pay with contactless, mobile options and enables a cashierless checkout process.
Coppin State stands as a testament to the power of Transact services; offering Transact TS SaaS, Transact Online Photo Submission, Transact Cloud POS, Transact Registers, Transact Mobile Ordering, and more. As Sheila has confirmed, "Our platform has significantly improved since we became a part of the Transact platform."
Coppin State is also continuing to explore the expansion of mobile offerings to students with Transact Mobile Credential. Sheila Chase said, "While we explore Mobile Credential, we will keep enhancing our [existing] solutions."
Transact TS SaaS and Transact Cloud POS streamline Coppin State operations
Coppin State implemented Transact TS SaaS and Transact Cloud POS, which have improved service delivery and streamlined operations.
The platform makes paying for food and shopping on campus easier by bringing everything together, creating an intuitive, centralized experience. This improvement saves staff time and resources that they used to spend on outdated tools and manual processes.
Transact Cloud POS has made Sheila's job more efficient. It saves her time by automating tasks like adding, deleting, and managing meal plans, allowing her to focus on more strategic tasks.
With Transact TS SaaS, Coppin State students can now manage their accounts online or through their mobile device without calling the card office to check their balance. Sheila remembers the old manual process of loading book vouchers. It included waiting for a document from student accounts, checking for billing, and loading the funds onto the account. Implementing our one-card program and point-of-sale solution has removed such manual processes.
Transact Mobile Ordering integration built for higher education
The trend toward mobile ordering is gaining traction on college campuses. In a recent study, students on campus overwhelmingly expressed the importance of modern, convenient payment options, eliminating the need to carry debit and credit cards. At a time when student experience has become a differentiator for enrollment, the Transact Mobile Ordering app provides an easy solution.
In late 2022, Coppin State introduced Transact Mobile Ordering app at three locations on campus. This app has not only become an important tool for recruitment but also a deciding factor for students on what college to attend. Mobile Ordering enhances their college experience, making it more convenient and enjoyable.
Transact specifically designed the app to cater to the needs of higher education retail operations. Coppin State controls the entire experience from a student perspective, and the app displays Coppin State’s branding. Students can place orders, choose payment options, and schedule pickup times that work best for them.
From an administrative standpoint, our mobile ordering platform seamlessly integrates with Transact Cloud POS, streamlining campus staff's operations. Our solution combines transactions, items, pricing, and reporting into one platform. This increases efficiency and frees up time and resources or other tasks.
Given the positive feedback on mobile ordering, Coppin State envisions a future where they can extend their services to include delivery and off-campus transactions. As Sheila Chase wisely said, 'Baby steps, one program at a time.”
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