
As the 1098-T season winds down, we reflect on the preparation and delivery process. How did things go? If you encountered any challenges or if your students faced difficulties accessing their forms, worry not!

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Advantages of Transact for 1098-T Completion

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Enhanced Efficiency

Simplify your tax form distribution, cutting down the administrative burden.

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Increased Student Satisfaction

24/7 access to tax form, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience for students, with options to download and print.

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Proven Expertise

Rely on our experience in 1098-T management and IRS compliance for a smooth, reliable process.

Transform 1098-T Delivery

Our digital solution modernizes how higher ed institutions prepare tax documents with ease. Provide instant electronic access to students and authorized users via a student portal, along with hard copy mailouts for those who prefer physical documents.

  • Digital Form Presentment: Distribute tax forms online with ease.
  • Print and Mail Services: Accommodate those who opt for physical copies.
  • IRS Compliance Filing: Maintain accuracy and adhere to IRS requirements.
  • Address Verification: Ensure precise mailing with PostalSoft USPS.
  • IRS Filing Status Updates: Stay updated on your filing status.
1098-T on Phone
1098-T form on an iPad

Enable students to receive, view, and download 1098-T tax forms electronically through the secure online student account portal or via mail.

School Benefits

  • Full integration with Bill Presentment
  • Removes administrative burden
  • Forms can be automatically filed with IRS
  • Eliminate paper processing or choose to use electronic and paper

Student Benefits

  • View, download, and print 1098-T and 1098-E tax forms
  • Immediate access when forms are available